What I have, RE: Whacha Got?

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Post by SCMurphy »

<img src="uploads/SCMurphy/4AC_crypt-farm.jpg" border="0">
This is my 30 gallon "Crypt Farm", in it you will find these plants:

Anubias nana    Cryptocoryne sp?    Cryptocoryne balansae     Cryptocoryne beckettii    
Cryptocoryne lutea    Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia     Cryptocoryne spiralis    
Cryptocoryne wendtii    Cryptocoryne x willisii ''lucens''    Eleocharis acicularis     
Eusteralis stellata (Pogostemon stellata)    Heteranthera zosterfolia    
Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'    Isoetes sp?    Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae
Limnophila sessiliflora   Ludwigia repens    Ludwigia repens x "Palustris"    
Microsorum pteropus       Nesaea sp. “red”    Rotala rotundifolia       
Vallisneria americana var. biwaensis    

And these contaminants:
Vesicularia sp   Java moss      Lemna sp?   duckweed    Riccia fluitans

<img src="uploads/SCMurphy/FBF_vacant-lot.jpg" border="0">
This is my 30 gallon "Vacant Lot", in it you will find these plants:

Ammania gracilis “red”    Anubias barteri ''coffeefolia''    Anubias nana
Aponogeton madagascariensis     Barclaya longifolia     Blyxa var. vietnam
Crinum calmistratum     Cryptocoryne balansae    Cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii''
Cryptocoryne blassii    Cryptocoryne moehlmannii    Cryptocoryne nurii
Cryptocoryne parva     Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia    Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
Cryptocoryne spiralis     Cryptocoryne walkeri (lutea)    Cryptocoryne wendtii
Cryptocoryne x willisii    Cyperus helferi    Eleocharis parvulus
Eusteralis stellata (Pogostemon stellata)    Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Limnophilla aromatica    Limnophila sessiliflora    Ludwigia arcuata
Ludwigia repens    Ludwigia repens x "Palustris"    Nesaea sp. “red”
Sagittaria subulata    Sagittaria platyphylla    

and these contaminants:
Vesicularia sp   Java moss      Lemna sp?   duckweed    Riccia fluitans

The Lace plant tank is too dark to get a pic of at the moment, but it's plant list is as follows:

Ammania gracilis “red”    Anubias barteri    Anubias nana
Aponogeton madagascariensis     Blyxa var. vietnam     Cryptocoryne sp?    
Cryptocoryne blassii    Cryptocoryne nurii
Cryptocoryne parva     Cryptocoryne spiralis     Cryptocoryne wendtii “TROPICA”
Echinodorus sp?    Eleocharis parvulus    Heteranthera zosterfolia
Limnophila aquatica    Limnophilla aromatica    Mayaca fluvitalis
Microsorum pteropus    Nesaea sp. “red”    Rotala rotundifolia
Sagittaria chielensis    Sagittaria subulata    

And these contaminants:
Vesicularia sp   Java moss      Lemna sp?   duckweed    Riccia fluitans

The Ten gallon tank had it's picture posted in another topic but the plant list there is:

Aponogeton madagascariensis     Cryptocoryne affinis
Cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii''    Cryptocoryne lutea
Cryptocoryne parva     Cryptocoryne spiralis
Cryptocoryne walkeri (lutea)    Didiplis diandra
Eleocharis acicularis    Eusteralis stellata (Pogostemon stellata)
Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae    Lobelia cardinalis “dwarf”
Ludwigia arcuata    Nesaea sp. “red”
Ranalisma rostrata    Rotala wallichi    Sagittaria subulata

And these contaminants:
Vesicularia sp   Java moss      Lemna sp?   duckweed    Riccia fluitans
Glossostigma elatinoides    Hemianthus micranthemoides

"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Hey! You pruned!
Ghazanfar Ghori

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Post by Cory »

How old is your crinum in the bottom picture?
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Post by SCMurphy »

[QUOTE=Ghazanfar Ghori] Hey! You pruned![/QUOTE]

Yes, Marsha and Martha were <strong>VERY</strong> happy that I did. I think Ali was kinda happy too, what do you think, you had to ride home with him. I know I was really happy with the store credit I got at Tropical Fish World.

[QUOTE=Cory] How old is your crinum in the bottom picture? [/QUOTE]

I'm not sure, could be 3 years could be 4 years, I got it at That Pet Place for 3 bucks or something. It should start to produce daughter plants soon.
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Marsha Finley
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Post by Marsha Finley »

[QUOTE=SCMurphy] Yes, Marsha and Martha were <strong>VERY</strong> happy that I did.

<strong>VERY</strong> happy? <strong>VERY happy</strong>? <strong>VERY HAPPY</strong>?
EXTATIC! GRATEFUL. Joyful. On cloud nine! Delighted, exultant, as well as overjoyed and well-stocked!!! <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0">
Marsha S Finley
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Whats the crypt in the second picture right infront of the Anubias?
Ghazanfar Ghori

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Post by SCMurphy »

That crypt is Cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii''. I still don't know what the tall wine colored crypt in the back is. I think I'm going to buy some wendtii from everyone that sells them just to see what they are advertizing as wendtii. I get the feeling I might get some interesting stuff, or a whole lot of wendtii.
<img src="uploads/SCMurphy/C93_petchiiweb.jpg" border="0"><edited><editID>SCMurphy</editID><editDate>38026.3872569444</editDate></edited>
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Post by SCMurphy »

I think I need to do a better job of hiding my equipment.
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Post by SCMurphy »

The mixed stand on the left:
Cryptocoryne moehlmannii    Cryptocoryne parva     
Cryptocoryne x willisii
<img src="uploads/SCMurphy/E29_mixedstandweb.JPG" border="0">
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Man! The parva seems to be doing real well for you.
No surprise there I guess. Mine grew so slow....then
it finally started growing. What did I do? I moved it.
<img border="0" src="smileys/smiley21.gif" border="0">
Ghazanfar Ghori

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