August Meeting- free 84 g tank (leaks)

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Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:32 pm
Real Name: Linus Chen

August Meeting- free 84 g tank (leaks)

Post by Linus_Cello »

If anyone is planning to go to the August meeting at Splashy Fish, I have an 84 gallon Seapora aquarium (basically a double high 40g breeder, dimensions 36" x 18" x 31") I'm giving away for free. I bought it new in March, tested it for several weeks, added some test fish (tetras). In June, when I was planning to transfer my discus into it, it had a catastrophic leak/seal failure at the bottom (able to save ~5 cardinal tetras). So the tank leaks.

Feel free to try to re-seal it (if you do, I would use it as a paludarium and not fill the tank up too much). Otherwise, I think it would make a good terrarium, or an even better enclosure for an arboreal snake. If no one is interested, I'm planning to donate it to a herptile rescue group (anyone know of an active group other than "Northern/Central VA Reptile Rehoming" on FB?).

Reply to this thread and I'll bring the tank to the August meeting.
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